System of Production and Administration of Fleets
GLOBAL Sky it facilitates the control of the fleets by worksites and work fronts, it delivers information and geolocation for every equipment particularly: route, work front or in the place where the vehicle works. Just one platform manages work places and worksites, real time production, hours of operation, emergency notifications, etc.
The exceptional ability of control of the information that GLOBAL Sky provides allows operating under precarious or intermittent communication. The information of the activities are storage in a device (offline); when there is communication again, the information will be sent immediately. This functionality guarantees all activity to be registered.
The best system of production and administration of a fleet
GLOBAL Sky integrates itself with other softwares and/or platforms, whether they are receiving or delivering data according to what every client requires in particular. Our platform works under technological industries standards.
GLOBAL Sky allows setting the different reports according to the culture and the needs of the company, on the different hierarchical levels with the information that every client and every user requires in particular. The reports are generated automatically. The reports are sent through email and /or with an enquiry in the system and it can be exported to PDF format, Excel, or any other the client requires.

Register of Personnel
It facilitates the enrollment of the workers who interact with the warehouse through I.D., bar code card, RFID chip, or any other.
Access passwords to external administrators
GLOBAL Sky generates and delivers access passwords to the systems to the employer or external contract administrator, which allows real time monitoring of the status of the contractor's fleets.
Current activity
Interface which allows fleet administrators, maintenance workshops, and people in charge of scheduling maintenance to do their job in an easy way. A table of colors allows visualizing:
- The status of the fleet in operation: equipment working, stopped with delays, stopped due to maintenance, operational failure, etc.
- Statistics: Drilling data, loads, laps, etc.
- The screen of visualization is updated automatically every time an equipment changes activity or status.
Table of activities
The table of activities registers all movements in the system, which allows making the analysis of the behavior and generates the fleet reports.
With GLOBAL Sky, the parameters of work can be set in a remote way. Every modification that the administrator makes will be seen in every device: incorporation of phases of project, modification of parameters of drilling, new equipments and others; all of this is available for the operators immediately.
Pre-use table
Every time the operation of an equipment is initiated or a change of operator is made, a pre-use table needs to be filled in. With this, the revision gets registered and stored in to give guarantee that the equipment is 100% ready to be used.
The operator, through a touch screen, fills in the Pre-use table easily and intuitively.

Line of communication
GLOBAL Sky incorporates a line of communication to inform findings in the equipment. With this information, the maintenance department will be able to make the scheduling in order to intervene it.
At the same time, through GLOBAL Sky, the operator could request necessary documents to the administrative area for personal reasons: personal payroll, dependents, pending holidays, etc. By this, workers avoid going to the worksite facilities to ask for these documents presencially.
Laps mode for tanker and hopper trucks
GLOBAL Sky updates the information referring to the laps done by the equipments, controlling the starting points and destination. Moreover, information of latitude and longitude of the activities done are displayed as well.
Emergency S.O.S.
It is designed so the operator of the equipment can send emergency notifications easily and quickly.
GLOBAL Sky will notify administrators the details of the emergency and the geographical location of the equipment, so the help can be sent quickly as well.
ISO Procedure
This module is designed so the operator can access quickly to the procedures and instructions of work stablished by the organization. In just one place, the operator will find information of interest referred to safe work, ISO norms, and specific procedures.
Quick Guide
This module is designed so the operator of the equipment can watch a video about the basic aspects of how to use GLOBAL Sky.