What problem does it solve?

The administration and management of the productive processes of a mining and industrial projects on different levels, facilitating the needs of the control and administration. It also adds other aspects such as cultural and relationships, in a very specialized market.

GLOBAL offers an integral informatics solution which covers different needs from companies. Especially, those related to communication problems and synergy among the different areas. Wit this, we aim to reduce the duplicity of functions, the problems in the relations with different suppliers and the use of tools in different platforms which make the operation complex.

GLOBAL guarantees a unique and integrated administration, management, control and communication.

Optimization of the Productive Processes

GLOBAL allows optimizing the productive processes of mining and industrial processes giving a response to the challenges in terms of transition of precarious or intermittent data services, tackling the complexity of geographic location and extreme conditions which characterize mining activity in Chile and the world.

GLOBAL delivers permanent and updated information to the administrators and dec decision making people contributing to optimize the knowledge and improving the experience of this in the development of every project.

GLOBAL was developed with the contribution of many professionals, women and men from the mining and industrial world, which have added knowledge and previous learnings for the development of an intuitive and easy to use platform for the users, minimizing the training times and start time of the operations.

What is our service?

Having, in real time, a technological platform that manages various processes:

Bodegas: GLOBAL Depot

Warehouses: GLOBAL Depot

The perfect application for the control of warehouses.

Compras: GLOBAL Hunter

Purchases: GLOBAL Hunter

It controls the acquisition of physical resources and manages their follow-up and traceability.

Herramientas: GLOBAL Tools

Tools: GLOBAL Tools

Control, stock, assigning and availability of tools, instruments and consumables.

Producción: GLOBAL Sky

Production: GLOBAL Sky

Fleet control by worksites and work front: information and geolocation in real time.

Mantención: GLOBAL Planner

Maintenance: GLOBAL Planer

Maintenance and repairing of mining and movable industrial equipment.

Componentes: GLOBAL Core

Components: GLOBAL Core

Following up on and controlling the life cycle of critical components of equipment.​

Calidad: GLOBAL Next

Quality: GLOBAL Next

System of Quality Assurance, Safety, Environment, and Occupational Health.



Eliminates the complexity of processes, it orders and allows them optimizing the management of H.R.



It facilitates the control and traceability of diseases such as COVID-19.

Advantages of GLOBAL

One of the advantages of GLOBAL is the traceability with its information, its registers and files available quickly along with a detailed follow-up of the information captured. At the same time, it has the ability to integrate information from other modules and operators, avoiding duplicity, making the flow of data and back-up faster.

GLOBAL has a fast and efficient implementation process. Technically, GLOBAL adapts modules to the needs of each client and their specific projects in no more than 72 hours. This is achieved by integrating data related to operation, visualization, and report delivery. Its strong responsive ability and architecture enable the provision of a flexible and tailored solution for each process.

How does GLOBAL operate?

GLOBAL operates with specialized modules for every area of the process. This information captured by the platform works providing the dynamic information about the management of the project. This allows setting more control elements (KPI's) and communication among each one of the areas. At the same time, it delivers data about the status of the project in every stage of its development and in an accesible way.

GLOBAL doesn't stop its functioning: it operates 24/7, in every shift, directly with the operators and with access through any kind of device. Plus, it also have early alert detections which allow anticipating decisions and reducing risks.

This information is added by different user profiles, from the operators to the management and decision making people who have segmented reports to their access.

The flexible technology applied allows implementing adaptations quickly according to the specific needs of a project, giving response to the requirement of business partnerships and different business' culture s from the client or respecting authority.

In order to do this, GLOBAL operates in format of double administration for both companies that work in CHILE as well as other countries, with different taxes and in different languages.