Global Core

System for the control of Components and Repairable parts.

It automates the traceability and control in the life cycle of the critical components of an equipment. It allows traceability of every component in an equipment, worksite and contract; wether they are installed, in warehouses or being repaired.

It facilitates the scheduling of the programming of activities and maintenance services, improving the responding times from workshops, increasing the operative efficiency. Moreover, it generates life-record reports of every component in particular.

The best system for the control of repairable components.

GLOBAL Core has traceability and control of components when being repaired in external workshops. It allows the traceability of the repairing in different stages which shows the quality of works of repairing being done considering pictures, videos, and technical reports.

Moreover, it allows the traceability of components, through the use of UHF chips or wireless reading systems. The information allows workshops to show their clients the status in which the repairing is and to have the historic information that allows making reliability analysis of their assets.

GLOBAL Core integrates itself with other softwares and/or platforms, whether they are receiving or delivering data according to what every client requires in particular. Our platform works under technological industries standards.

GLOBAL Core allows setting the different reports according to the culture and the needs of the company, on the different hierarchical levels with the information that every client and every user requires in particular. The reports are generated automatically. The reports are sent through email and /or with an enquiry in the system and it can be exported to PDF format, Excel, or any other the client requires.


Register of Personnel

It facilitates the enrollment of the workers who interact with the warehouse through I.D., bar code card, RFID chip, or any other.

Equipment Technical card

Record of all equipments which belong to the company or rented. In the card, the information about the technical characteristics of every equipment is registered, their components, and the commercial information.

Work Order (WO)

Issuing a work order for every job done on an equipment or component in particular. A work order must be issued for any intervention or maintenance.

Type of component

It defines the components which are associated to an equipment in particular.

Statistical traceability of a Component

It registers all the components which are part of an equipment. The Statistical Traceability defines the life cycle in working hours of components; the repairing that has been done to it and the status in which it is in.

Jobs Done in Other Workshops

Document which registers the instruction of a repairing or evaluation of a component. This is attached to the component to be sent to the assigned supplier.

Repairing of a Component in an External Workshop

It facilitates the control of different stages of the repairing of a component which is in an external workshop.

It allows the traceability of the component through UHF chip or Wireless reading system. This information allows external workshops to show to their clients the status in which their repairing are (reports, videos, images, etc), and to the owner of the assets, it allows them to have historical information that allows making different reliability analysis.

Installation Protocol

Document in which the installation of a component in a particular equipment is registered.

Exit Protocol

Document in which the exit of a component of an equipment for repairing or changing it for another one is registered.

Hour meter update

It allows updating the hour meter of the equipment. This one can be written manually and/or reading from the GPS device or from Global Sky.

Position of the Worker

A list of professional associated to a position which allows assign them to a work from the work order.

Worksite and Contract Tables

It corresponds to the register of the worksites and contracts which will be required for the work order.